account deletion

Deleting your account in our app has significant consequences that you should consider before making this decision:

1. **Data Loss:** All data stored in your account, including messages, photos, and customized settings will be permanently erased and cannot be recovered.

2. **Service Interruption:** You will not be able to access the app's services without an active account. This includes any premium services or subscriptions you may have.

3. **Activity Reset:** If you decide to create a new account in the future, you will not be able to retrieve any data or settings from the previous account. It will be like starting from scratch.

4. **Unlinking from Devices and Third-Party Apps:** If your account is linked to other devices or third-party applications, you will lose access and synchronization with these services.

Remember that the decision to delete your account is final and cannot be reversed. If you have any questions or need more information before proceeding, please contact our support team.